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2 Locations:
Mercer Island & Downtown Seattle
Contact: (206) 854-4922

TRAINING OF THE DAY: VIDEOS can be accessed by clicking the "on demand video workouts" tab in the upper right section of this page . We will add one circuit weekly. If you are interested in more circuits or videos tailored specific to your goals, contact us and we will set up a personal online program for you.
"The 500" (12/10/17) For the following 5 exercises below, set up a timer for 60 seconds. Perform each exercise for 60 seconds while keeping your rep count. Move to the next exercise and repeat the same process. Your goal: To reach 100 reps total for each exercise, do as many rounds as it takes to reach 100 for each exercise. Once you hit your 100 rep count, you are done with that exercise. Take rests as needed but push yourself for time. ENJOY!!!!!
1) Release Push-ups
2) Alternating "V" ups (count every other leg)
3) Air Squat or dumbbell thrusters if you have weights
4) Burpees (modify this to step back burpees if you have back issues)
5) Double leg raises (flat on your back)
"1000 REP CHALLENGE" (12/05/2017) Go for time. Once you reach the end (500 reps), start from the end and work back to the top to complete your "1000" rep mark.
15 Release push-ups 20 "V" ups
30 hammer curls 30 Hindu Push ups
30 Air squats 15 Jump Lunges
15 side lunges 50 Bicycle crunches
15 tricep push-ups 30 speed skaters
20 Plank jacks 30 KB swings
50 Mt. climbers 30 Tricep ext.
50 High Knees 20 Double leg raisers
30 Gorilla squats 20 Thrusters
"The Ladder Circuit" (Go for time!!! climb to 20 then repeat going in reverse)
2 Full Burpee's
4 Mountain climbers (each leg)
6 Explosive Push Ups
8 Soldier crawls (from plank position)
10 Squat jumps
12 Stationary lunges (each leg)
14 Over head Squats
16 (20) yard quick sprints
18 Straight leg sit ups
20 Double leg raises
"Metabolic Burn Circuit" (Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps for each round before moving to the
next round. Only rest for 30 seconds after each set. This rest is
important for the burn)
Warm up Round: 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Rest for 30 seconds after each set then repeat.
1) Pull ups or pull downs
2) Body weight squats
3) Push Up's (assisted or unassisted)
Resistance Round: 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Rest for 30 seconds after each set then repeat.
1) Off set lunges ( hold 2 dumbbells, one at shoulder height and the other at your hip)
2) Inverted Row or seated row
3) 3 in 1 push up's (wide, shoulder width, diamond)
Endurance Round: 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Rest for 30 seconds after each set then repeat.
1) Burpees
2) Mountain climbers
3) Jumping Jacks
Metabolic flush to cool down: Indoors or Outdoors, Jog for a quarter mile up to 1 Mile depending on your level of fitness. Walk for 5 minutes at the end.
"HIIT" (High Intensity Interval Training) "TABATA DAY"
Perform each exercise below for 20 seconds of high intensity work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Do 4-8 rounds before moving to the next exercise.
With or without weights:
1) Squats
2) Pushups or chest press
3) Dead lifts
4) Triangle push up's
5) Hanging leg raises
6) Burpees
7) Roll backs or leg raises
8) Pull ups or Pull Downs
9) Squat Jumps
10) Alternating Tri pod planks
"The Murph" challenge
In this circuit go for a time challenge. This can be done several ways 1) perforrm the required reps of each exercise before moving to the next exercise. 2) Partition the circuit, Ex: 10 pull ups, 20 push ups, 30 squats and repeat for 10 rounds. Time yourself!!!!!!
1) If available Run anywhere between 1/4 up to 1 mile depending on your fitness level.
2) 100 pull ups or (pull downs if you do not have a pull up bar)
3) 200 Push ups (assisted if needed)
4) 300 body weight squats.
5) Run 1/4 - 1 mile
"3-2-1 Workout" Repeat each 3-2-1 group 2x before moving to the next group.
Group 1: Group 2: Group 3:
12 Bicep Curls 12 Shoulder Press 12 Pushups
12 Tricep Dips 12 Back Flies 12 Front Raises
Repeat for 3 min. Repeat for 3 min. Repeat for 3 min.
30 sec. High Knees 30 sec. Mt. Climbers 30 sec. Burpees
30 sec. Wall Squat 30 sec. Lunges 30 sec. pile squats
Repeat 2x Repeat 2x Repeat 2x
60 sec. Plank 60 sec. Bicycle Crunches 60 sec. Reverse Crunches
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